From 5 p.m. at the wine bar:
kleines gut
"kleines gut" is not just a small thing, "kleines gut" makes fine wines from great locations.
small and fine!?

From 5 p.m. at the wine bar:
Ökologische Gemeinschaft Naturwein e.V.
A new association for a different perspective on wine. With its members, the ÖGN protects steep-slope vineyards on the Cannstatter Zuckerle. There are only wines if you actively help in the vineyard.
Become a member!
14:00 - Floor LegendZ
Floor LegendZ stands for the best entertainment: Breakdance, top level dancing and acrobatic skills as well as comedy and interaction with the audience ensure a unique experience.

15:00 - Angie the Clown
Angie follows in the tradition of the red-nosed clowns; Street art that trains the funny bone. A musical, acrobatic and above all entertaining solo show.
16:00 - Bella from the Block
Zumba party at the Stuttgarter Weindorf! Suitable for anyone who has always wanted to try Zumba.

18:00 - Charisius on Kora
With open, free, soothing sounds, accompanied by the harp instrument Kora, tells the powerful music of Charisius. It creates a relaxed atmosphere in which there is also room for deep feelings.
19:00 - Lou Bason
The Ukrainian singer-songwriter is known for his willingness to experiment and for crossing traditional genre boundaries. His new EP "142" offers insight into his experiences, emotions and inner turmoil.

20:00 - Wash
How about a sing along?
You wish, we play, you sing along!
From The Beatles to System of a Down, there's something for everyone.
Whether oblique, polyphonic, too high, too low: everything should and must!